Beiruting - Events - Malak Al Intizar a poetry night by Desiree Saccal
Social Event Malak Al Intizar a poetry night by Desiree Saccal Lebanon
In memory of his beloved wife who passed away,  Dr. Desirée Saccal launched his book “Malak Al Intizar”, a poetry book featuring their chapter of life at Jdeideh Municipality Theatre.  Social figures, friends and media were present to attend the poetry night by Dr. Yousra Bitar, Elias Zgheib, Elie Daher, Robert El Bitar who presented lectures from the book with a background music presented by Habib Younes and Johnny Bitar. At the end of the ceremony, “Tajawoz” Association presented to Dr. Desirée Saccal a trophy honouring him for all his achievements.
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