Beiruting - Events - GA of the Lebanese Society of Dermatology
Mar 2023
GA of the Lebanese Society of Dermatology
Social Event
Thanks to the efforts of the Lebanese Society of Dermatology, the law No. 30 of 2017 was issued, which regulates the practice of cosmetic medicine in Lebanon, and which states that only specialists in rhinoplasty, otolaryngology, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, dermatology, facial and maxillofacial surgery are entitled to practice this profession. However, unfortunately, this law is not being enforced in Lebanon, allowing illegal cosmetic centers to spread widely, leading to an increase in cases of harm and disfigurement among patients.
After years of struggle and intensive demands to stop the practice of illegal cosmetic procedures in Lebanon and to raise awareness among the general public who are lured into these "beauty salons" through false and flashy promotional advertisements on social media, the Lebanese Society of Dermatology invites you to attend the General Assembly, which will be held at Citea Hotel Ashrafieh at 4:00 PM on March 27, 2023
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