Beiruting - Events - Book Signature Event AL Hob Lahazat Sawsan Chawraba Kadouh
Feb 2022
Book Signature Event AL Hob Lahazat Sawsan Chawraba Kadouh
Social Event

The book "لحظات الحب "by Sawsan Chawraba is the first sentimental novel published

by the author who is known for her publications on the philosophy of life and self-

After her book" Heartbeats of the Mind" which was published in 2018 in English
and republished in Arabic in 2020 under the title ,"الفكر نبضات "the author says about
this novel that it is a figment of imagination, and it’s now seeing the light and it talks
about a love story that transcends reason... A novel full of events Surprises,
characters, beginnings and endings.

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