Beiruting - Events - Rotaract Fundraising Event
Nov 2013
Rotaract Fundraising Event
Nightlife Life Beirut
Life Beirut Beirut Suburb Nightlife Rotaract Fundraising Event Lebanon

The Rotaract Club of AUB launched one of its major events on Friday 29th of November 2013 at Life Beirut a Fundraising process for Rotary's Mega Project "Water filtration for the public schools of Lebanon".

This Mega project is a step towards purifying all water supplies in the Lebanese public schools by installing a complete water filtration system (filters, tubes, tanks and pressure faucets). The project has already reached 100 schools in total, but is still aiming for the other 1,200 schools in order to cover the entirety of the public school system in our country.


Quarantina,Beirut, Lebanon
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