Beiruting - Events - Portfolio Night
May 2014
Portfolio Night
Social Event Activities

In conjunction with more than 22 cities around the world, Beirut hosted the twelfth edition of the international event Portfolio Night. Havas Worldwide Beirut, had the opportunity to organize this international event, which formed an ideal platform for fresh graduates looking for their break to mingle with over 20 renowned advertising professionals and creatives.


Along with Beirut, other cities taking part included: Athens, Austin, Beijing, Dubai, Boston, Budapest, Cape town, Detroit, Johannesburg, Chicago, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Montreal, New York, Paris, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Toronto and others.



As it’s extremely difficult to get face time with creative directors, Portfolio Night is the perfect opportunity for young creatives to showcase their work to many of the top Creative Directors in Beirut all in one evening; providing them with important face time, making new contacts and gaining valuable advice from industry superstars on how to make their portfolio shine… and who knows, maybe even land a job!



At the end of the reviews, one of the graduates was selected as winner for the best “Achievements Portfolio”, her efforts will be rewarded with an all-expenses paid trip to New York, where she will take part in a training course and work with a select group of experts in the field of advertising, allowing her to acquire extensive experience on a global level. ​​


Portfolio Night’s official media partner for this event this year was Communicate; the event was held under the sponsorship of ShutterStock, Twitter, Squarespace, and VCU Brandcenter.

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