Beiruting - Events - Opening of Arnaoon Christmas Village
Dec 2015
Opening of Arnaoon Christmas Village
Social Event Arnaoon Village

On Friday December 18th 2015 at 3:30pm, Arnaoon Village launched its "Christmas Village - Bus Town - 4th Edition" under the patronage of North Lebanon Governor Judge Ramzi Nohra and in presence of North Lebanon Deputy Governor Mr. Roger Toubia, along with a number of the region's dignitaries.


In addition to its social and humanitarian activities namely offering gifts from sponsors and individuals to specialized associations such as SOS Village - Kfarhay for orphans, Akrem Abaka wa Ommak for elderly and Bonheur du Ciel for drug addicts, Arnaoon Village introduced the so called "Boxing Day" event where many sponsors have generously contributed.

Moreover this year, Arnaoon Village decided to create a one of its kind "Bus Town" where old busses where converted into stations, such as a Nativity Scene, Santa's workshop, Christmas movies bus, Games buses and a restaurant bus. The big Christmas gift tree was surrounded by the buses.

Witnessed by a large number of guests, associations, VIP's and regular clients, we kicked off with a Christmas Parade leading to the Games tent where all Christmas characters participated in fun activities such as playing in a human baby foot, Billiard, Ping Pong, Low Rope course and playground, followed by a Flash mob dance.


The Arnaoon Christmas parade made out of 41 members of the present associations started with the march of "Joseph" and "Mary "on a donkey to the Nativity Scene followed by the truck and the rest of the Parade featuring train rides, Ginger Bread, trees, gifts, Snow King, Snow queen and Elfs. All this accompanied by live Christmas music.


The visitors enjoyed a tour in the Christmas Village including the "Bus Stations" and Santa's house with Mama Santa. Children got a variety of games and participated in festive songs and activities.


All guests in the Town square Busses witnessed Santa riding his sleigh on a 200 meters length zip line, lighting up the tree and distributing gifts to the Associations.


The opening finale was a musical concert held by The Lebanese ISF Classical Orchestra led by Colonel Ziad Mrad in Draj el Ward


The Village will open its doors to the public every day starting December 23rd 2015 till January 10th 2016 from 1:00pm till 8:00pm. We will have special events every Sunday and Public holidays from December 1st till January 10th involving Christmas Carols, Christmas Lunch, and more than 16 games along with the one of a kind attraction Santa's Sleigh!


"After 8 years of success and popularity, we imagined turning Arnaoon Village into a winter destination as well. We therefore created an indoor space to be promoted through a large scale Christmas Village where visitors can enjoy the festivities and discover the new winter venues" says Mrs. Rita Aprat Faddoul, Arnaoon's Director of Sales and Marketing. "In addition to our humanitarian objective where many associations benefit from donations and helping hands from sponsors" she adds.


ARNAOON is a 300-plus year old village that existed during the Ottoman Empire and its name stood strong throughout the years keeping its geography rising on a hill-top overlooking the historic Msaylha Fortress along the Batroun Highway, North of Lebanon. The villagers back then decided to defend the glory of Arnaoon and refused to give it away to the Ottomans. Team Arnaoon's aim is to cherish this heritage by reviving the old ruins and beautifying the landscape rendering it a heart-pounding venue that fully caters memorable weddings and all sorts of occasions ranging from private dinners to corporate events.

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