Beiruting - Events - Beirut City Lions Club The Launch of the Civil Campaign Against Hunger
Social Event Beirut City Lions Club The Launch of the Civil Campaign Against Hunger Lebanon

Lama Salam, wife of Prime Minister Tammam Salam, organized at the Grand Serail, on March 9, 2016 a meeting entitled "meal ... for a hungry", in the framework of the "A Date at the Serail" initiative. A number of Lebanese organizations an NGOs engaged in providing food to the needy people, took part in the event, which included the launch of the civil campaign against hunger, on the initiative of the Lebanese Food Bank and the support of the "Beirut City Lions Club."



The event was attended by the minister of Education and Higher Education Elias Bou Saab, MPs Atef Majdalani, Michel Moussa and Shant Chinchinian, Mrs. Mona Hrawi, and a number of former women ministers, the wives of former ministers and MPs, as well as some heads of economic instances.




After the national anthem, Mrs. Salam pronounced a welcoming word in which she stressed that "A Date at the Serail" initiative" aims to "provide a platform for Lebanese citizens to highlight social issues". She added that the initiative seeks to link between organizations which are concerned about these issues, in order to give them an opportunity to cooperate and coordinate their efforts in order to become more effective."




She stressed the importance of "meal ... for a hungry", praising the efforts of those working in this area. She added: "The aim of this gathering is to facilitate cooperation between the concerned organizations in order to reach the day where there will be no hungry people in Lebanon." She hoped that "the culture of not wasting food" "prevail in Lebanon.

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