Beiruting - Events - A Walk in the Paysages Intérieurs of David Daoud
Jan 2019
A Walk in the Paysages Intérieurs of David Daoud
Exhibition Activities
Activities Beirut Suburb Exhibition A Walk in the Paysages Intérieurs of David Daoud Lebanon

After graduation from the 'Arts Décoratifs de Paris', David Daoud perfected his technique for seven years with his mentor, the famous sculptor Charles Auffret, who had studied at the studio 'l'atelier des disciples d'Auguste Rodin'.


Hard worker, David Daoud draws his inspiration from nature. Flirting with Impressionism, the painter expresses especially in large format. His favorite themes are exile, travel, distance, nostalgia, absence and eternity.


The artist has exhibited in several galleries, museums and cultural sites in France and Lebanon.

In 2018, Ibrahim Maalouf chose one of his works for the cover of his 'Levantine Symphony' album.




§  1999 : 1st drawing Prize of 'Regards' magazine

§  2004 : Selected among the top 10 for the 'Paul Louis WEILLER' international portrait prize contest by the Académie des Arts of 'L'Institut de France'

§  2006 : Bronze Medal by the 'Conseil Général des Yvelines'

§  2011 : 1st prize Frédéric de Carfort from the 'Fondation de France'

§  2013 : Bronze Medal by the City of Conflans

§  2013 : Lefranc Bourgeois painting Prize at the 'Palais des Congrès', Montreuil

§  2018 : Among the top 100 Best Contemporary Artists, « Miroir de l'art » magazine



David Daoud is presenting his exhibition "Paysages Intérieurs" at Cheriff Tabet Gallery from January 15 to February 15, 2019.



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