The event took place in down town Beirut in Beirut souks Wednesday 22nd of August at 6 :00 PM and will stay displayed for over a month.
There was 30 3D pictures from all around Lebanon in Arwam street.
A 618.11 m2 billboard (54.7m*11.3M) in Al Ajami square, the largest 3d billboard in the world and is candidate to be a Guinness record.
The event is organized by "Exposure Studios" and The federation of Chambers of Commerce in Lebanon, Sponsored by Solidere, Bank Med, Dal Al Handasa.
Media partners MTV, Grand Cinemas,,, Sawt el ghad.
The event is under the patronage of the minister of tourism Mr Fadi Abboud
An other side of the project is a green cause which is in collaboration with Ex Minister Mohamad Rahal's organization Lebanon for all and will sell the green poster ( the document is attached), and will the funds will go directly to clean a Lebanese fort.
The mascot you see in the banners is Called (Green-Go) we will also be launching the caracter with the Slogan "Lets go green". (under construction)
Facebook page:Lebanon in 3D