Beiruting - Events - Ajyalouna Ramadan Festival
Jun 2014
Ajyalouna Ramadan Festival
Social Event

Under the patronage and attendance of Mrs. Lama Tammam Salam, ABC Verdun and Ajialouna, NGO dedicated to supporting education, health and social activitie, launched Ramadan Festival during an inaugural event held in Verdun Street. The ceremony was attended by Robert Fadel, chairman and CEO of ABC and Dr. Lina Zaim Dada, founder and president of Ajialouna, ministers, parliament members, senior officials, representatives of Verdun Traders Association, members of the press and media in addition to a huge crowd of Beirut residents.


Verdun Street, one of the most dynamic streets in Beirut, embraced the spirit of Ramadan with bewildering decorations specially arranged by ABC Verdun for this occasion. The festival which took place in Verdun displayed a collection of cultural, religious, and family-oriented activities designed to cater to the entire family. Visitors enjoyed exciting activities including Darawish performance, Fayha Choir, Hakawati, live music, Koudoud Halabia in addition to a distinctive exhibition space featuring authentic Lebanese gourmet foods and delicacies, hand crafts, art and calligraphy along with corporate stands.


"We are glad today that ABC Verdun is launching a new concept of Ramadan celebrations in partnership with Ajialouna, a very active NGO in supporting kids, women and elderly. Today, we marked the beginning of Ramadan and celebrated together the diversity, beauty, solidarity and true essence of this blessed month. Ramadan Festival will reach out to Verdun community and its neighborhood as we believe in a sustainable holistic approach, investing in communities while focusing on the people's needs" said Robert Fadel, chairman and CEO of ABC.


"This initiative comes in parallel with the start of ABC Verdun excavation work earlier this year, a project that aims to offer premium shopping experience to the community and a desirable destination for families at the heart of the trendy Beirut city", added Fadel.


From her side, Dr. Lina Zaim Dada, founder and president of Ajyalouna, said: "For over 20 years, Ajialouna devoted its efforts to serve the children and elderly especially in terms of healthcare, and to empower women to play a vital role in society. The organization is also keen to help orphans and less privileged families financially". Dr. Lina added "We consider the partnership with ABC Verdun this year as an important milestone showing the importance of the cooperation between private sectors and NGOs".


Commenting on this occasion, Mrs. Lama Salam, wife of Prime Minister Mr. Tammam Salam said: "We are welcoming Ramadan this year longing to draw a smile on the faces of our children and all the Lebanese people. We salute such initiatives that come as a joint effort between the public sector and the NGOs, aiming to revive Beirut and the entire Lebanon. Ramadan Festival today endorses the unity of our society, and reveals to the world that Lebanon was and will remain a symbol of devotion, solidarity, and patriotism. Regardless of the circumstances: the roadmap to peace will continue. She added: "Today, Ajialouna with the support of ABC Verdun launched a nice initiative hoping to fulfil the hearts of our children during Ramadan with happiness and peace".


Visitors to the festival will enjoy the special street decorations during the holy month. Also and as part of this initiative, Ajialouna and ABC Verdun will donate samples of clothes and daily Iftar meals to kids and less privileged families.

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