Beiruting - Events - Nursery’s Role in Improving the Child’s Brain Development
Nov 2017
Nursery’s Role in Improving the Child’s Brain Development
Social Event

Under the patronage  of the President of the Popular Bloc and Joseph Skaff Foundation Mrs.Myriam Skaff ,The Syndicate of Professional Nurseries  in Lebanon organized a Conference titled "Nursery's Role  in Improving the Child's Brain Development " which took place on Saturday November 18,2017  in Chtaura Park Hotel .The Conference gathered Ministries  Representatives  , as well as Syndicates and Social Organizations  and  Top Speakers related to Nurseries Sector  and  over 180 Nursery Owners and Teachers from all over Bekaa Governorate and  Zahle District  .The main aim of this Conference is to enhance and evaluate Nurseries Sector in Lebanon by discussing updated topics  and latest studies on early childhood care and strengthen the field .


As Mrs.Rita Wakim Hage welcomed the guests and the attendees.Mr. Charbel Abi Nader the President of the Syndicate of Professional Nurseries in Lebanon  stressed in his  opening word  the  crucial  role of the Syndicate in supporting Daycares field in Lebanon since early 2005 .


From her side  , Mrs Myriam Skaff  expressed  how  happy she is to host the Syndicate dealing with children in Lebanon  and the essential and basicrole of Nurseries  in order to provide a safe and prosper future to the rising generation .

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